Was übrig bleibt: "I feel simultaneously honored and depressed when someone pulls me close and says,…"

“I feel simultaneously honored and depressed when someone pulls me close and says, “There’s nobody else I can tell this to…” and proceeds to detail a secret abortion, a rape, a diagnosis of a mental illness.
In that instant of intimate exchange, I want to adopt every teenage kid who tells me their parents kicked them out of the house for being gay. I want to follow the story of every recovery, I want to stick around to see every baby get born and every wound heal and every heart evolve. But I don’t. I can’t. Every night, I drive away.”

The Art of Asking – Amanda Palmer
Originalpost auf „was übrig bleibt“ http://ift.tt/1AbKLlM
„was übrig bleibt“ ist eine Sammlung, sind unterstrichene Sätze, gefundene Worte & liegengebliebene Gedanken aus Büchern, die wir lesen und lieben.


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Danke! Lächeln und Liebe, Fabian.


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